Steve Pajak is a lot of things. He's a publisher, a formatter, an artist, a supportive friend, and he can weave one hell of a tale. Pajak is magic with his words, attacking every single one of our senses to make us feel like we're standing right next to the characters. We taste what they taste, smell what they smell, feel what they feel. This book is a prime example of that magic. Murder, Inc. came at a time when we needed it most. The main character, Davina, is so many women. We see her in all her vulnerability, and we see her in her rage. Her story is a reminder of a grim reality, and her revenge satisfies the desire for justice that we rarely see in real life. I see Murder, Inc. as a horrifying story of both pain and empowerment. Pajak has created a character that we want to see succeed, even if her methods are a little questionable (does Dexter ring a bell?). If you love tales of revenge, strong female leads, and some good old blood and gore, you won't want to miss this one.
Steve was kind enough to answer a few questions for me about his book and his writing!
Q: Davina is a strong, badass female character. Where did you draw your inspiration from for her character?
A: I have been around strong and capable women my entire life. My father bailed on us when I was four, leaving my mother alone to raise three boys in Chicago in the 1980s. Davina is heavily inspired by my mother. My father was very abusive, not quite as bad as Reggie in the novel, but not too far off. My mother was a survivor who protected us fiercely and sacrificed a lot for us. My mother is strong and fearless and taught me to love, respect, and sometimes fear the wrath of women.
Q: Your writing is incredibly descriptive and really puts readers in the moment. We can feel ,taste, and smell what the characters are experiencing. How do you accomplish that in your writing? Do you make a conscious effort to include sensory language, or do you think it's just your style?
A: I don't think it is something that I give much thought to or make a point of consciously focusing on, but I am glad it comes through in my writing. I just think it's part of how I process and imagine scenes. When I'm writing, I try to picture myself in the scene alongside the characters and situation, and I guess the sensory and emotional details naturally follow that.
Q: What projects are you currently working on, or what's next for you?
A: I am concurrently working on two projects scheduled for 2025. I have finished a first draft of a Christmas horror novel titled "The 25th Door" and I hope to get it out to alpha readers after the holidays. I have just started working on "Corpse Girl" which I believe will be the first in a series of novels following our titular character. I'm really excited about this one. I'm also working on several short stories for various anthologies, as well as a novella that will be part of a modern take on the horsemen of the apocalypse with Megan Stockton, Nikki Noir, and RE Sargent.
Could you think of a better guy to support by buying his books?! Really though, Steve is a gem. Grab your copy of Murder, Inc. here.
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